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FXPHD – MYA222 – Maya Foundations: LookDev and Lighting
Title: FXPHD – MYA222 – Maya Foundations: LookDev and Lighting
This Maya course is part of our Maya Foundations series and covers Look Development and Lighting. We look in-depth at these fundamental building blocks using a selection of software focused around Maya. We’ll look at both the technical and artistic aspects as we progress through the course, each component being real-world project focused.
This course is broken down into a number of key areas, Colour: Theory and Pipeline, Lighting: Concepts and Stages, HDR Lighting: Preparation and Workflow, Look Dev: Concepts and Development, Optics: Cameras and Lens, and finally Compositing: Single and Multi Sample. We will draw on real-world examples, examine white papers and dig deep into the software tools of today’s VFX artists.
The course is aimed at anyone interested in Look Development and Lighting. We will use Maya 2016 as the backbone of everything we’ll do. We’ll cover the tools to a more detailed level than ever before and include the techniques used in both large and small VFX facilities around the world. Alongside Maya we’ll be using RenderMan and Mental Ray as our renderers, Photoshop and AutoPano for HDR work and Nuke for compositing. This will be an excellent course for anyone who knows Maya already but wants to expand their knowledge, or for someone just getting into the business.
数码— —MYA222— —玛雅基金会︰LookDev和照明
标题︰数码— —MYA222— —玛雅基础︰LookDev和照明
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