
Syntone Rosella Classical Guitar KONTAKT | 3.05 Gb
Roses are given as a sign of love and passion, so we chose the name Rosella to represent the passion that created this instrument. The guitar is itself a passionate instrument, and we made this instrument with the aim of creating a truly realistic and comprehensive version of the classical guitar. Guitar libraries are aplenty in the sampling world, but most focus on the more modern use of guitars. The best you’ll get is sustained samples and…well, that’s pretty much it.
Not so with Rosella. This guitar was sampled with as much love as any orchestral instrument. After 17 hours of recording stretched over a few weeks (with many kebabs consumed), we captured over 6500+ samples of 16 different articulations. This is a comprehensively sampled library, resulting in a truly expressive sound.
After recording we created a customised script that includes intelligent string selection, legato, tremolo and dozens of options to really shape your sound. Our specially developed string engine behaves as a real guitar does, allowing you to emulate a realistic performance quickly , easily and without excessive programming or confusing controls.
We've put huge amounts of time and effort into producing Rosella, and we are very happy with what we have been able to produce. We hope you are as happy with Rosella as we are!
? 6500+ Samples
? Up to 4RR, 16 articulations
? Custom legato and scripting
? 48kHz/24-bit quality
? 7.42GB (3.18GB compressed)
? Full KONTAKT 4.2.4+ required
信通罗塞拉古典吉他| Kontakt 3.05 GB
不与玫瑰鹦鹉。这把吉他进行任何管弦乐器一样多的爱。经过17个小时的记录延续了几周(多串消耗,我们捕获了超过6500 +)16种不同的发音样本。这是一个全面的采样库,产生了一种真正的表达声音。
6500 +样品
?48kHz / 24位质量
全中国?4.2.4 +要求
收藏0 0 反对0
Syntone Rosella Classical Guitar KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-31 23:21
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