
The Foundry发布最新版3D建模软件MODO 902 SP3!
MODO 901。这个版本提供了一系列新的创建工具并能够提升工作效率。
“当我们开始着手开发901时,我们就致力于给我们的客户带来迄今为止最强大的MODO版本更新。” The Foundry公司MODO产品营销经理Shane Griffith说。“我们仔细研究了在我们主要市场中艺术家角色正在发生的变化、他们要面对的需求和MODO如何帮助他们在这变化的环境中获得成功。另外,我们仔细倾听来自客户群的声音来决定如何使MODO最大程度的成为他们最稳定,最有效的解决方案。最终我们推出了:MODO 901。”
在昨天的发布会上,The Foundry选了MODO 901的几个亮点让我们先睹为快,再过几天,将会发布100个新功能。这些功能将影响整个流程的内容创建,包括建模,材质,角色动画以及渲染,昨天发布的新功能有:
为日常建模工作新改进的工具,包括拓扑对称(topological symmetry)、分割(split)和填充切片(fill slice)工具选项、四填充图案模式、线性和径向对齐(linear and radial align)、以及多边缘切片(multi-edge slicing)等。
“在901版本中包含MeshFusion是非常棒的消息;我已经看到它为硬表面建模提供了最有创意的工作流。”Ingenuity Engine的创意总监Grant Miller说。“901版本给我们带来了很多建模和界面改进,这确实能提高我们的日常工作效率。非常高兴在添加了强有力的新功能的同时核心功能也得到了提升
据了解,MODO将于今年年底正式上市销售,零售价为1799美元。MODO 801仍然可以购买,并且可以自动升级到901。The Foundry称将在今年5月份发布该软件的全部功能。
The Foundry MODO 902 SP1 (Win/MacOSX) | 404/450 MB
MODO is a complete solution for design exploration, game content creation, character animation, and the production of high-quality advertising images. Created with artistic workflows in mind, MODO puts the fun back into digital content creation and design. Artists and designers are free to explore and focus on creative efforts that maximize quality output in less time.
Faster iterations
With powerful modeling and sculpting tools, and an advanced photorealistic viewport and preview renderer, MODO lets you iterate faster for better concept and production models, look development, and interactive design reviews.
Consistency guaranteed
With consistent workflows, modular tool assembly and an intuitive UI, MODO lets you apply the knowledge you gain in your first days of exploration to fulfilling the most complex, sophisticated tasks down the road.
Out-of-the-box value
MODO offers modeling, sculpting, painting, effects and animation tools in one cohesive, easy-to-use content creation package, with unlimited network rendering capabilities and MeshFusion Boolean tools included.
Seamless pipeline integration
MODO fits right into your pipeline, with Python and C++ APIs; a Python TD SDK; a fully customizable UI; and support for industry-standard formats like OpenSubdiv, OpenColorIO, OpenEXR, OpenVDB and Alembic.
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The Foundry MODO 902 SP3 Win/MacOSX
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-21 18:20
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