Houdini动画原理训练视频教程,CMIVFX Houdini Animation Princi
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  • 发布时间:2016-7-24 19:55
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本教程是由CMIVFX机构出品的Houdini动画原理训练视频教程,CMIVFX Houdini Animation Principles,时长:4小时21分,大小:6.2 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Houdini,语言:英语。
Houdini 是一个特效方面非常强大的软件。许多电影特效都是由它完成:《指环王》中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法礼花”,还有“水马”冲垮“戒灵”的场面,后天中的龙卷风等等,a52的汽车广告,反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好莱坞一线大片,几乎都会有Houdini参与和应用。
CMIVFX Houdini Animation Principles
Watching this video will help you become one of the top animators in the VFX industry by unlocking the secrets of Houdini’s node-driven system. The node-driven system at the core of Houdini represents the most powerful set of animation and effects tools in the market today. It’s no wonder that so many animation and VFX houses have made Houdini a core of their visual effects pipelines. However, Houdini’s node system is often overlooked for character animation because of its perceived complexity. We will peel the layers away and reveal some of the most useful and flexible tools available to the character animator. This video is geared to train everyone and anyone in the Computer Graphics and Visual Effects industries. The principles of animation are well established, and have worked since the early days of animation. If you doubt that you have mastered these principles completely, then this video is for you, even if you do not use Houdini as your tool of choice. This video is extremely agnostic to any particular features, but makes great use of the node-based tools that made Houdini famous.
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