
 Flowstate 是一款特殊的写作应用,不同于其他应用,它有一个「非常危险」的功能:在你设定的写作时间段内,如果你提前退出或停止输入文字超过 7 秒钟,你之前写下的所有内容都会消失。
在 Flowstate 里,当你输入了第一个字符,计时就会开始,你也没有了回头的余地,让你的文字「存活」的唯一办法就是不停写下去,直到倒计时结束。
Flowstate 1.06 | MacOSX | 3.5 MB
The world is a hive of distractions, multi-tasking, and cultural ADD. Many sit down to write, only to find hours vanish with nothing to show but a trail of browser tabs. Flowstate is a response to the amphetaminic digital age, born out of ancient writing disciplines. It frees the writer to turn on, tune in, and block out.
Throughout history and across continents, philosophers and spiritualists have discussed a state of mind known as the “action of inaction,” or “doing without doing,” that closely resembles what modern psychologists call a “flow state.” It is the phenomenon known to most Westerners as “being in the zone,” felt by painters, musicians, athletes, and writers throughout time.
Flowstate is guided by a simple philosophy: flow, then react. It is the first writing tool to emphasize the distinction between writing and editing. Unlike other writing programs, Flowstate features a sacred space for initial creation, with rigid laws enlisted to unleash a person’s thoughts, feelings and ideas like water.
How It Works: first select how long you want to write, then enter a fullscreen writing session. If you exit early, or stop typing for longer than five seconds, all progress is lost. The only way to secure your work is by continuing to move until the session is complete.
What's New in Version 1.06
Title bug fixed. As much fun as that was, it’s unlikely that “OOnn TThhee RRooaadd bbyy JJaacckk KKeerroouuaacc” would have been as successful.
Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later, 64-bit processor
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Flowstate 1.06 MacOSX
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