
iA Writer 3.x | MacOSX | 8.3 MB
iA Writer was designed to provide the best digital writing experience: It lets you keep your hands on the keyboard and your mind in the text.
Swipe Right to Library
iA Writer now comes with an integrated library which stores all your documents. With a swipe to the right you have easy access to all your texts in one place.
Swipe Left to Preview
With an all new synchronized scrolling Preview, iA Writer consciously separates form and content. It optimizes plain text writing while offering stellar formatted export—with world class typography.
Focus Mode and Syntax Control
iA Writer is famous for offering a deeper focus on your text. Its unique tools improve your writing style by honing your concentration: One sentence at a time, or by highlighting different parts of speech.
All Your Documents on All Your Devices
With seamless Dropbox and iCloud Sync, iA Writer keeps your documents safe and at hand on whatever device you are using when inspiration strikes.
- Integrated document Library
- Synchronized scrolling Markdown Preview
- Beautiful Preview templates with curated fonts
- Focus Mode fades all but the current sentence, for maximum concentration
- Convert formatting to Microsoft? Word .docx, and back again
- Also export formatting to HTML and beautifully styled PDF
- Auto Markdown formats text on-screen
- Night Mode
- Real-time iCloud and Dropbox sync
- Reading Time; plus sentence, word, and character count
- Customized for Retina displays
- Handoff support
- Full screen for total immersion in the text
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
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IA Writer 3.1.2 MacOSX
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-23 22:31
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