Lynda – Street Photography: Posed Portraiture
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-5 16:08
  • 人       气:189
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Candid street photography is one thing; posed street photography is another. Approaching strangers and asking to photograph them isn't easy. But it's rewarding—not only for your photography, but also for you. It all starts with breaking the ice, and in this course, Steve Simon takes to the streets of New York City to talk to strangers and take their pictures. By posing his subjects at various locations, he creates a portrait of the entire city: people at work, people at play, people in uniform, and people with their own unique style. Along the way, Steve shares the keys to successful posed street portraiture, from starting conversations with strangers to choosing the right gear and lenses.
Topics include:
* Breaking the ice with subjects
* Photographing people at work
* Posing subjects in a city park
* Photographing people on the move
* Photographing people in suits and uniforms
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