Lynda – Drawing Vector Graphics: Isometric Illustration
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-17 13:12
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Isometric illustrations offer a unique view, perfect for technical illustrations, city scenes, and retro-inspired design. What they lack in perspective, they make up for in clarity, and have been used to diagram complex information for centuries. In this course, illustrator Von Glitschka shows how to create detailed isometric views of buildings, vehicles, and even people using Adobe Illustrator. He builds basic isometric shapes, automates parts of the process with actions and Smart Guides, and incorporates color and detail into the final design. The course closes with an artist spotlight and a challenge to get you thinking isometrically.
Topics include:
* Building and coloring isometric shapes
* Using Smart Guides and actions
* Masking and blending effects
* Creating an isometric asset library
* Illustrating isometric views of buildings, vehicles, and people
* Introducing Greg Maxson, inspiring isometric illustrator
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