Skillshare - Perspective Drawing Creating Illustrations with Dimension (2015)
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  • 发布时间:2014-9-29 23:17
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Skillshare - Perspective Drawing Creating Illustrations with Dimension (2015)
MP4 | AVC 2212kbps | English | 1280x720 | 29.97fps | 1 hour | AAC stereo 123kbps | 908 MB
Genre: Video Training
In this class, written transcripts of everything I've said in each video is available to read so you can be sure to fully understand what I'm teaching at your own pace. Also available are critiques of student projects I've written to learn even more from. Making mistakes are a major part of getting better at your art, and learning from the critiques of other students is a key component of improving yourself. Give this class a shot, we're all a very open, constructive, and passionate group about advancing your art and perspective drawing! This class aims to teach everything you need to know about the fundamental skill of drawing perspective in order to give your art a sense of place and setting. Understanding perspective brings a grounded reality to your art and transforms the way your audience interacts with it. It is key in taking your work to the next level, and advancing your skill in illustration.
Perspective is broken down into major key points. We will begin with concepts and terminology, cover the various perspective techniques, and populating your scene with details.
Introduction: The basic setup and terminology used for all forms of perspective, and will be used throughout the class and your art from hereon after.
One-Point Perspective: The most basic form of perspective with one vanishing point and best considerations for its use.
Two-Point Perspective: How placing a second vanishing point changes the construction of your scene and how the world is transformed around you with new dimensionality.
Three-Point Perspective: How placing a third vanishing point further changes the construction of your scene and how to think differently about the spatial relationships of the vanishing points to create believable 3D space.
Atmospheric Perspective: Used in conjunction with other perspectives, we cover how atmosphere and color can increase the illusion of depth in your images. We also cover alternative perspective techniques to consider when just drawing or coloring a picture.
Additional Considerations: We cover drawing certain shapes and objects in 3D, such as circles, cyllinders, and successive objects such as stairs. We also take a look at foreshortening!
Adding Details that Matter: Make your scene believable! Consistency! Objects, Objects, Objects! Atmosphere! People that are actually standing firmly on the ground! How to build your scene from seemingly nothing! I even address how much detail is necessary so that you make consistent progress in your drawings rather than getting lost on tiny, meaningless details.
Your project! Where to find inspiration for your drawing. Considering which perspective to use, and best ways to start working.
技能-透视绘图:使用维度(2015 年)创建的插图
MP4|AVC2212 kbps|英语|1280 x 720|29.97 帧 / 秒|1小时|AAC立体声123 kbps|908MB
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rorareri 发表于 2021-1-18 07:36:29 | 只看该作者
Perspective Drawing Creating
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