Implementing Vector Art in a Pixel-based Advertisement
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  • 发布时间:2016-2-26 12:05
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Duration 1h 9m Project Files Included MP4
Implementing Vector Art in a Pixel-based Advertisement
During this course, we will break down the compositional process in regards to isolating the motorbike so it looks impressive and dynamic. We will learn how to execute rendering the vector motorbike to the correct size, color mode, and resolution. Next, we will arrange the initial composition set up by adding the dynamic sunset sky to the backdrop. Then, we will use a combination of the layer masks and the eraser tool to isolate the sky and erase the water. After this, we will inject brightness and contrast to the sky by exploring different Blendmode combinations. We will also use Alpha channels to erase the background from the cityscape buildings then add a layer style to them. We will then employ a background color that has interesting contrast as well as having a corporate finish. Finally we will add a small amount of copy to the advertisement that accentuates the power and elegance of the motorbike. Software required: Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe Photoshop CC.
持续时间1 h9 m项目文件包括的MP4
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