Photo Manipulation in Photoshop:Introduction to Creating Surreal Imagery
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-2 13:07
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Welcome to my class! I am excited to share with you my process for capturing and creating ephemeral, atmospherical photos. Students will take their photography to a new level, nurture imagination, and learn to combine real with fictional. This type of photo manipulation work is often used in book cover design, illustrating album covers, and elements for interior decoration.
I've been an artist and photographer since I can remember. My work involves taking various figure and environmental photos and manipulating them to create an image that evokes a distinct feeling grounded in a place.
What You'll Learn
I'll teach you my photo manipulation process in Photoshop and provide some tips in achieving your desired look.
*Background and Environment.I will discuss how a simple background is essential to this creative process.
*Figure.I will teach how to create a "levitation" posture with your figure, as if the body is flying - "no gravity" style.
*Texture.We will explore some layering techniques to achieve different textures for your image.
*Light and Color.I will teach you some techniques for exploring your concept through texture, light and color.
*Final Touches.You will learn how to critique and perfect your work, and add finishing touches.
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