
Questionably Barbershop is a simple 4-piece male vocal ensemble, crafted in the style of an old timey Barbershop Quartet. Featuring the humble vocal talents of our own Mike Peaslee, Gregg Stephens and Spencer Nunamaker, this library offers basic chromatic sustains and staccato articulations, improvised scat and bebop phrases and even a couple of classic Americana folk song construction kits that are broken down line-by-line with each vocal part directly accessible in several different root keys. From a deep booming bass to a soaring high tenor falsetto, Questionably Barbershop gives you easy 4-part harmony in a box.
Each one of our singers (Mike: Tenor Lead, Gregg: Baritone, Spencer: Bass and ‘Mikey’: Tenor Falsetto) performed 3 types of sustains and staccatos: Doo, Lah and Woh. Using our custom GUI controls, these 3 different sounds can also act as pure Oo, Ah and Oh vowel sounds, with adjustable durations and attack shaping. Our advanced scripting gives you automatic 4-part harmony voicing in the Ensemble Sustains and Staccatos presets, ensuring that you always hear the Lead first, the Bass in his appropriate range and the Tenor for those piercing high notes! And for a big male chorus sound, you can select the “Unison” mode for all four voices over the whole key range. We even give you Auto-pan feature to intelligently spread the singers over the stereo field for a nice wide sound.
The Scat ’N Bebop phrase section includes 356 improvised phrases, with real-time tempo-synching and time-stretching. Phrases are included in the root keys of C, E, and G# with easy transposition to other keys. You’ll also find our DSP Rack panel, with multi-effects, compression, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, with dozens of our favorite rooms, halls, chambers, cathedrals and FX impulses.
可疑的理发店是一个简单的4件男性声乐合奏,制作在一个古色古香的理发店四重奏的风格。具有卑微的声乐人才我们自己迈克皮斯利,格雷格Stephens和Spencer nunamaker,这个库提供的基本色维持和断续的关节,即兴SCAT波普短语,甚至是两个经典美洲民歌建筑套件,打破线的线与每个声乐部分直接访问在几个不同的根键。从低沉的低音飙升的高男高音假声,可疑的理发店,让您轻松四部分和谐在一个盒子里。
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Soundiron Questionably Barbershop KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-25 16:05
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