
112db Redline Reverb v1.x | 12.7 MB
Redline Reverb is a musical reverb based on a completely new and original concept that excels in both warmth and transparency at extremely low CPU usage. Redline Reverb is a fully algorithmic and true stereo reverb with possibilities far beyond the conventional—just check out the 112 factory presets for a comprehensive showcase of what it can do. Unlike conventional algorithmic reverbs, Redline Reverb does not need separate plate, hall, and room algorithms. Instead it features a comprehensive yet intuitive parameter set that allows you to easily recreate any given reverb characteristic, leaving you free to create lush smooth vocal reverbs, convincing room simulations, almost infinite reverb tails, synth pad and delay effects, and everything inbetween.
You will find that its separate early/late reverb sections and modulation options make it an excellent choice for expensive hardware-style reverbs, while its extensive tweakability renders it equally suited for more experimental reverb and delay effects.
112db红线混响v1.x | 12.7 MB
你会发现它早/晚混响部分和独立的调制选项,使它很好的选择,但其风格的硬件混响,而广泛的tweakability renders它同样适合更多的混响和延迟效果实验。
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112db Redline Reverb v1.0.8
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3GRtad
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-28 21:59
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