
Impact Soundworks - Archtop: Hollowbody Electric Guitar | 3.5 GB
A supremely versatile archtop electric guitar, perfectly suited for both clean and amped playing. Capable of styles ranging from jazz, funk, blues and R&B to rock, pop and more. Powered by and compatible with the free KONTAKT PLAYER plugin!
"A fabulous-sounding guitar captured to near-perfection with articulations and noises for supreme realism of performance." - 9/10, Computer Music July 2014.
A supremely versatile archtop electric guitar, perfectly suited for both clean and amped playing. Capable of styles ranging from jazz, funk, blues and R&B to rock, pop and more. Powered by and compatible with the free KONTAKT PLAYER plugin!
"A fabulous-sounding guitar captured to near-perfection with articulations and noises for supreme realism of performance." - 9/10, Computer Music July 2014.
* Extensive 24bit CLEAN recordings
* Sadowsky Jim Hall model archtop guitar
* Beautiful user interface with easy editing, presets, and FX pedals
* Custom blend between bridge and neck pickups
* Sustain, palm mutes, vibrato, tremolo
* Thumbed octaves, portamento (glissando)
* Staccato notes, hammer-on, pull-off playing
* Harmonics - artificial & real - neck slides, pick FX and noises
* Wide range of release noises
* Every fret sampled on every string
* Adjustable mapping and playing style
影响SOUNDWORKS -拱:hollowbody电吉他| 3.5 GB
一个非常多才多艺的拱形的电吉他,非常适合清洁和她玩。可风格从爵士,放克,蓝调和R&B摇滚,流行和更多。由与自由Kontakt Player插件兼容!
“一个神话般的吉他抓获近表现为关节和噪声最高的现实主义完美。”- 9 / 10,电脑音乐七月2014。
一个非常多才多艺的拱形的电吉他,非常适合清洁和她玩。可风格从爵士,放克,蓝调和R&B摇滚,流行和更多。由与自由Kontakt Player插件兼容!
“一个神话般的吉他抓获近表现为关节和噪声最高的现实主义完美。”- 9 / 10,电脑音乐七月2014。
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Impact Soundworks – Archtop Hollowbody Electric Guitar
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnwKPzx
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-30 00:24
  • 人       气:264
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