digitaljuice - matte magic break throughs 1

breakthrough 系列是设计和视频编辑的一个显著的飞跃,可以让你看起来更聪明,让你得到易于使用和快速渲染的黑白磨砂的动画,这将使您的作品与众不同。
Matte Magic Breakthroughs Collection1收集270组有用的动画遮罩,包括各种错综复杂的编排几何和有机形状和方案,旨在打破你的镜头变成有趣的复杂的图案,。只需用适当的亮度磨砂设置添加到这些遮罩,你可以提升你的镜头从平凡到卓越,瞬间提高项目的产值。让你得到易于使用和快速渲染的黑白磨砂的动画,这将使您的作品与众不同。
A breakthrough can be both a significant leap in knowledge and an act of  removing or surpassing barriers or restrictions. When designing for video  or broadcast, any tool that allows you to look both smarter and more  out-of-the-box creative is an important addition to your toolkit. With  the Matte Magic Breakthroughs Collections, you get a deceptively  straightforward library of easy to use and fast to render black and  white matte animations which will break your productions out of the  ordinary and through to a higher level of motion design magic.
The Matte Magic Breakthroughs Collection 1 volume includes  more than 270 uniquely useful animated mattes in 15 matching sets. Each  set includes more than 6 coordinated animated mattes, with additional  loopable mattes and entry and exit motions. The sets in this collection  include a variety of intricately choreographed geometric and organic  shapes and motions, designed to break your footage into intriguingly  complex patterns, slices and segues. Simply by adding any of these  mattes on top of your footage with the appropriate luma matte setting,  you can elevate your footage from the mundane to the sublime, raising  the production value of a project instantly. To enhance the look  further, you can fill the areas behind your matted footage with a solid  color, secondary footage clip or animated background for your own  one-of-a-kind look in any type of production from promos to montages,  show opens to event videos.

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jason666 发表于 2018-1-10 09:16:41 | 只看该作者
digitaljuice - matte magic break throughs 1
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