Super Easy Furry Text in Pixelmator
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Super Easy Furry Text in Pixelmator

June 04, 2012 from abduzeedo's blog
2012年7月4日 来自于 abduzeedo's blog 的博客
We love playing with typography, it's simple and always effective not only in terms of outcomes but the amount we can learn by experimenting with text effects. From 3D to light effects or simply creating a furry text effect with a leopard style texture. That's the idea of the following Pixelmator tutorial.
我们喜欢玩后期,它简单让人印象深刻,,还总是能让我们学到后期知识。做一个3 D的有光的影响的毛茸茸的文本效果,有着一个豹纹纹理。这一想法的促使了下面这个很棒的教程。
So in this tutorial we will show you how to create a Furry Text Effect using Pixelmator. The whole process won't take you more than 30 minutes and it is without any doubt a very useful technique for future projects.
Step 1
Open Pixelmator and create a new document. I am using 1650x1080 pixels.
打开后期软件创建新文档。我用1650 x1080像素。

Step 2
With the Type Tool (T) add the text you want. I used the word "fur" with the font Rockwell bold. I also reduced the kerning so the letters got connected.
用文本工具(T)的添加你想要的字。我使用“fur”字体是Rockwell bold。我也减少了字距调整让字和字之间连接起来。

Step 3
Time to use some nice texture. The one I am using is called Skin Of The Leopard by Friday, from Bigstock.
使用一个不错的豹纹纹理。这是我在 Bigstock. 下载的一张叫做 Skin Of The Leopard 的图片素材。

Step 4
Holding Command Key, click on the thumb of the text layer to create a marquee selection. After that select the texture layer and then go to Layer>Add Layer Mask.
按住CTRL/Command键,点击文字图层,创建一个选区。然后选择豹纹素材图层,然后Layer>Add Layer Mask.

Step 5
Select the mask layer and then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 10 for the Radius.

Step 6
Go to Image>Levels. Use 54% for Black, 56% for Grey and 58% for White. The idea of these 2 steps was to create a rounded corner for the text.

Step 7
Go to View>Show Brushes. Then click on the settings icon on that panel to change another brush pack. Select Nature and use the brush I used in the image below. Once the brush is selected just start painting with white over the layer mask.

Step 8
Chane the size of the brushe for some area to ake it look more realistic.

Step 9
Duplicate the layer once it's done and move it a few pixels down to add some depth.

Step 10
Darken the layer underneath to create the 3D effect. You can do that by either using Image Adjustments or just creating a black layer on top of the layer created in the previous step and use Multiply for the Blending at 70% Opacity.
把下面那层调暗来制造一点3D效果,你也可以在下面那层上使用 Image Adjustments,也可以在下面那个图层上叠加一层黑色图层,选择 Multiply模式,再给个70%的透明度。

Step 11
Select all layers and duplicate them. After that merge the new layers into one and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 10 for the radius.
选择所有图层,复制一层出来,然后使用Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur,给一个合适的值。

Step 12
Change the Blending of the blurry layer to Screen at 50%. This will add some nice glow to the furry text.

You can add a texture for the background now and the image will be done. You can also try different textures and this technique applies for all sorts of text effects.

Download the Pixelmator file
Click here to download the Pixelmator file used for this tutorial
About the author
Abduzeedo is a blog about design. There are all sorts of articles for those who want to look for inspiration. Also you will find very useful tutorials for the most used applications out there, with a special selection of Photoshop Tutorials and Illustrator Tutorials. You can get in follow us via Twitter at @abduzeedo
Abduzeedo是一个设计博客。有各种各样的文章用来寻找灵感。你也会发现常用软件的非常有用的教程,特别是Photoshop和llustrator 教程。你可以通过Twitter在@abduzeedo关注我们
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