链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEPDnax 密码: 2hy6
Title: FXPHD – AFX223 After Effects Expressions Bootcamp
Harry Frank returns with a new course focused on After Effects expressions programming. If you are new to the topic, or if you have some experience in the course topic, Harry will guide you from the basics into the heavy-duty code.
The structure of the course will use both conceptual lessons as well asl project-based lessons. Beginning with some basic math concepts, expressions and Javascript syntax, the course will build momentum and move into more advanced concepts such as world space, trigonometry, and understanding Javascript in more detail. You’ll gain tips and tricks that you’ll use in your daily workflow.
If you’re not using expressions, you should be! If you are…this course can take your knowledge to the next level.
Frank started in this business by studying classical percussion and audio engineering at the Fredonia School of Music in Fredonia, NY. After working the audio industry for a couple years, he slowly started to branch out into video editing and motion graphics in 1996. He’s worked as a freelance motion designer with clients such as, Blur Studio, Bl:nd, Digital Kitchen, NBC, and more. He’s currently a designer and product guru for Red Giant, where he produces content that helps animators and vfx artists better utilize their numerous software products.
标题︰数码— —AFX223后影响表达式训练营
弗兰克开始这项业务通过研究古典打击乐和音频工程在弗雷多尼亚,纽约州的弗雷多尼亚音乐学校。音响行业工作一两年的时间之后,他慢慢地开始分支到视频编辑和运动图形,于1996 年。他是作为一个自由职业者运动设计师与客户等模糊工作室、Bl:nd、数字厨房、NBC,和更多工作。他目前是一个设计师和产品专家为红巨星,在那里他产生帮助动画和视觉特效艺术家更好地利用其众多的软件产品的内容。 |
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