音效下载Soundiron Temple Drums KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2016-5-7 01:46
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Soundiron Temple Drums KONTAKT | 1.47 Gb
Temple Drums is a multi-sampled hall percussion library recorded in a secret stone-walled underground chamber. We recorded a variety of solo drum and bell articulations from a close, wide mic position to capture a crisp, tight, bright and lush sound. The library includes bass drum, large floor tom, rack toms, bongos, snare drums, djembe, doumbeks, frame drum/bodhran, large Tibetan hand cymbals, Tibetan copper bell and 36” flat gong. The space has a crisp, bright and lush vibe and we recorded each instrument up close for maximum clarity and presence, with a wide stereo image.
Sourced from a variety of regional and ethnic origins, these drums and bells give you a broad selection of tones to work with a wide range of musical styles. In addition to drums hits, rim clacks, and tuned percussion, it also includes several categories of live single-shot drum fills and rolls. It also includes an excellent variety of deep, ominous and sacred sound designed atmospheres, ambiences, sustaining pads and drones to evoke the spirits of the your own underworld.
The library is programmed for the full version of Kontakt 5.5 and later (OSX 10.8 or later / Windows 7 or later required). It comes equipped with a custom user interface dynamic sound shaping and mixing controls: attack, edge, release, filter resonance and cut, bank preset loading (with optional key-switching), adaptive arpeggiation and built-in convolution reverb with your choice of 30 different rooms, halls, spaces and special FX impulses. All of the samples are also included as categorized and clearly named stereo wave files that can be imported and used in any wav-format compatible audio environment, sampler, editor, sequencer or other audio software you like.
图书馆编程的开播5.5和以后的完整版本(OSX10.8或更高版本7或更高版本的Windows要求)。它配备一个自定义用户界面动态声音塑造和混合控件︰攻击、边缘、释放、筛选共振和削减,银行预设加载(与可选键切换),自适应arpeggiation和内置卷积回响与您选择的30不同的房间、大厅、空格和特殊FX冲动。所有的样品也被列为分类和清楚地命名的立体声波形文件可以导入并使用在任何wav 格式兼容音频环境、取样器、编辑器、音序器或其他你喜欢的音频软件。
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