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FANTASTiC May 10 2016 | 2.6 GB
We developed Pure Jazz Vibes in collaboration with Chris Poehler of Lujon Audio, who arranged and oversaw the entire sample recording as well as contributing his invaluable expertise to the production of the sample library itself. One of our top priorities for Pure Jazz Vibes was getting a pristine, yet natural vibraphone tone. We auditioned several vibraphones, finally selecting a 70's Musser Century Vibraphone due to its classic, warm tone. The Musser vibraphone is a legendary instrument, extensively used by vibraphone masters such as Gary Burton, Lionel Hampton, Milt Jackson, Bobby Hutcherson, Mike Mainieri, and many others.
The vibraphone recording session was engineered by Michael Aarvold at the WaterSound Productions studio in the heart of Studio City, California. Regarding the choice of WaterSound's studio to record the vibraphone samples, Michael says, "It has an exceptionally well-designed live room: the room maintains life and air in the sound, yet doesn't superimpose a distinctive and undesirable sonic signature. It is also extremely quiet, which is very important when recording delicate textures and maintaining a room aspect to the sound."
We always aim to recreate the playability of the real instrument as closely as possible, which is why we included a "vibraphone" play mode that uses your keyboard's sustain pedal to mimic the vibraphone's pedal. That way you can use your sustain pedal to switch between the tines being muted or unmuted. That being said, we also included a "keyboard" play mode, which lets you play the vibraphone as if it were a piano--the notes automatically muting when you release keys, unless you use the sustain pedal to let them ring.
One quintessential element of vibraphone playing is the tremolo fan. When enabled, these fans rotate, closing and opening the tops of the resonators to alternate between an open and muted tone. Pure Jazz Vibes uses advanced scripting to model the fan movement and produce ultra-realistic tremolo.
There's also a technique that expert vibraphone players use that we've never seen available in any other vibraphone sample library: mallet mutes. Mallet mutes, which we included in Pure Jazz Vibes, are when the vibraphonist uses the mallet to press a ringing tine in order to mute it. One application is to change chord tones in a ringing chord. To accomplish this, the vibraphone player would sustain a chord, then mute one of the tines while playing the replacement tine simultaneously.
梦幻般2016 年 5 月 10日|2.6GB
我们与克里斯诚惶诚恐的Lujon音频,他安排并监督整个样本记录,以及促进他宝贵的专门知识,对样本库本身的生产合作开发纯爵士乐共鸣。纯是爵士乐感触深我们最高优先事项之一正在获取原始,又不失自然电颤琴音。我们试镜几个vibraphones,最后选择70 年代瑟世纪电颤琴因其经典,温暖的色调。马瑟电颤琴是传说中的仪器,广泛使用的电颤琴大师如加里 ·伯顿、莱昂内尔 ·汉普顿、米尔特杰克逊、博比 ·哈切森,迈克马伊涅里,和其他许多人。
记录会话的电颤琴是由迈克尔 ·阿沃尔德策划在心的影视城,加州的WaterSound制作演播室。关于WaterSound 的工作室的选择,来记录电颤琴的样本中,迈克尔说,"它有格外精心设计的活房间︰房间保持生活和空气中的声音,但不会叠加一个独特和不良的声波签名。它同样也是极其安静,这是非常重要记录细腻的纹理和维持一个房间方面的声音."
我们一贯的宗旨来重新创建真实乐器的可玩性,尽可能密切这就是为什么我们包括一"颤音琴"播放模式,使用您的键盘延音踏板模仿电颤琴的踏板。您可以使用这种方式你延音踏板叉被静音或乱哄哄之间进行切换。说,我们还包括"键盘"播放模式,可以让你玩电颤琴,好像它是一架钢琴 — —自动路由,当你释放键,除非您使用延音踏板,让他们注意到环。
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