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Wave Alchemy Digital Revolution MULTiFORMAT | 942 Mb
The resurgence of retro drum machines has become an enormous trend in recent months, with iconic sounds from such classic machines as the Linndrum, Drumtraks, and Drumulator featuring heavily in genres such as Indie-Electronic, Pop, Deep House, Bass Music and even Techno!
Imagine having instant access to the world’s most sought-after retro drum machines in a single virtual instrument plugin, being able to mix and match drum machines, creatively process and sequence sounds in a unique, easy-to-use virtual environment. Introducing Digital Revolution – 12 iconic drum machines, 15,000+ samples, custom interface and sequencer, real-time tone-shaping and much more. Powered by 'Revolution Engine' technology, our Digital Revolution instrument (for Windows and OSX) places the most sought-after digital drum sounds from the 1980's at your fingertips.
Digital Revolution faithfully captures the sound of 9 digital (and 3 analogue) drum machines spanning from 1980 to 1989, including all sample variations and parameters of the original drum machines; tune/pitch, decay and various other settings. The digital nature of the sound sources meant that we could focus less on ‘in depth’ round-robin multisampling and more on the creation of real-time re-sampling and tone shaping controls, capable of a producing a wide range of variation; from subtle saturation to gritty sonic destruction and everything in between!
想象一下,在一个单一的虚拟仪器插件有即时访问世界上最抢手的复古鼓机,能够混用和匹配鼓机,创造性地处理和序列中一个独特的、容易使用的虚拟环境的声音。介绍数字革命— —12标志性鼓机、15000 +样品、自定义接口和音序器、实时音塑造和更多。由革命引擎技术,我们数字革命仪(Windows和OSX)从上世纪 80 年代最受欢迎的数字鼓声置于您的指尖。
数字革命忠实地捕捉到9的数字(和3模拟)的声音鼓机跨越从1980 年到1989 年,包括所有样本变异和参数的原始的鼓机;曲调和纵摇、衰变与各种其他设置。声源的数字性质意味着我们可以少'在深度'关注循环多级采样和更多关于建立实时重采样和色调塑造控件,能够产生广泛的变异;从微妙的饱和度坚韧不拔的声波破坏和之间的一切!
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