Digital Tutors - Integrating Photographs into Paintings in Photoshop
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  • 发布时间:2014-2-23 21:53
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Digital Tutors - Integrating Photographs into Paintings in Photoshop
Digital Tutors - 在Photoshop里将图片转换成绘画效果
When it comes to creating believable environment concepts that  seamlessly integrate photographs and painting, a lot of artists struggle  with how to blend the two. For this reason, this tutorial will take  color out of the equation and allow you to focus on simple black and  white values as we weave our final scene together.
To start  out, we will begin to snatch pieces of photographs that are appealing  and can be used for our scene. We will learn why these photographs were  selected and how we can use them to block in the land masses and some of  the architectural elements for our concept. From here we will begin  painting to blend things together. We’ll add in some rock structures as  well as modify some of the architecture.  
Along the way, you’ll  pick up some valuable tips for using adjustment layers to modify values  and for adding details to our painting that will distract a viewers eye  and lead it through the composition. After finishing this course, you  will have learned some great tools and techniques for blending  photographs seamlessly into your paintings.
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