Album TD专辑设计PS插件V3.5.0版
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  • 发布时间:2018-5-28 16:45
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本插件是关于Album TD专辑设计PS插件V3.5.0版,大小:240 MB,支持Photoshop软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。
Alien Skin Exposure是国外非常专业的Photoshop胶片调色滤镜软件,使用Alien Skin Exposure 能够迅速将照片调出各种胶片效果,如电影胶片、宝丽来胶片效果、波拉潘胶片效果、富士胶片效果、柯达胶片效果等等,多达25类,数百种胶片效果。
更重要的是安装Alien Skin Exposure 后,打开你需要处理的照片,预览胶片效果,即可立马生成你需要的效果,非常简单。当然如果你希望动手调色调亮暗,Alien Skin Exposure v5的自定义参数功能也是非常强大的。

From Album DS creators, the album design software for Photoshop, a new tool has been developed: Album Turbo Design.
All the drag and drop power at album design service, our new design engine will instantly create the layout both for panoramic sheets and double paged. Atractive and modern designs you may modify to suit your style.
With Album Turbo Design you may design a wedding album, communion, baptism, senior, etc.; any album theme with awesome layouts in just seconds.
Album TD doesn’t require Photoshop and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 or higher and Windows Vista or higher.
A turbo engine and you are the driver. Drag and drop a few images into the editor and a design will be created, select a new design from our true preview layouts list. Move freely any image in the layout, resize and rotate it; also a selection of images.
Swap images with a simple drag, even between different spreads. Insert a new image between others or at their border, easy and fast.
Full gap control with our unique homogenization algorithm for perfectly aligned images.
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