
Thisisadrawingtoolsoftware,itcanimportyourbitmapdocumentinthescanner,convertitintoavectorimagefileformats(DXF),mostCADapplicationscan onlyseeafterthescanfiles,thisprogramallowsyoutoeditit.ItsupportsmostCADapplications.
RasterVect 22.2 Retail | 27.8 MB
Vectorizer RasterVect allows for the transformation of any raster drawings into a vector format. There is TWAIN support for importing from scanners. Images can be acquired from any scanner. The target vector formats (DXF, WMF, EMF, EPS and AI) are supported by most CAD applications that use vector graphics, such as AutoCAD and Corel Draw. There are viewing tools like zooming, scrolling and color selection.
Why do you need RasterVect?
You will probably be able to load a raster file (like BMP, TIFF, PCX -file) into your CAD program - nowadays most CAD programs can import and display raster files. However, once you have imported a raster file into your CAD program you will find that all you can do is look at it or trace over it. You cannot change or edit it.
This is because CAD programs can only work with vector files. If you want to edit a raster file in your CAD program you must first convert it to a vector file. You do this using raster to vector conversion software.
Once you have converted the raster file to vector you will be able to import it into your CAD program and edit it just like any other drawing you have created using your CAD program.
The list below summarises the process of converting a paper drawing to a CAD drawing using a raster to vector converter:
1. Create a raster file by scanning the paper drawing into RasterVect using a scanner.
2. Use RasterVect to convert the raster file into a vector file.
3. Import the vector file into your CAD program.
4. Edit the drawing in your CAD program.
RasterVect saves many hours of tedious work.
Who uses our program?
1. Today, small format scanners are increasingly common on the desktops of CAD users, and a growing number of CAD professionals need the ability to easily scan and convert drawings for editing in their CAD programs. RasterVect now makes it possible for them to convert mechanical, electrical or architectural drawings done by hand into drawings that they can edit in their CAD programs and save to a disk.
2. People who receive many small, faxed drawings that in the past had to be digitized into AutoCAD (a far slower method) can save precious time using RasterVect.
3. Those who carry a large number of drawings in bitmap format which are limited mainly to viewing and printing, but for whom the facility to convert this data to raster format on demand would prove invaluable to them and their technical staffs.
4. Anyone needing to easily convert photos or artwork into usable files for engraving, cutting, or almost any CNC application.
OS : Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 / 2000 / ME / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Language : English
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RasterVect 22.2 Retail
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