
DMG Canvas是制作DMG映像文件的工具,可让您轻松制作专业级的DMG映像文件,轻松加入自定的窗口背景、文件与图像。
DMG Canvas 2.x | MacOSX | 12 MB
DMG Canvas helps you manage the content and appearance of disk image files using helpful templates. Choose your files, create your background image using helpful controls, and click Build. Your disk image will appear in Finder exactly as you designed it. Disk images, delivered with style.
Simplified design. With DMG Canvas, creating backgrounds is easy. Just drop in images, add customized text, and you're done.
Maximum compatibility. DMG Canvas creates disk images that work seamlessly on any version of OS X. Say goodbye to compatibility issues.
Retina ready. DMG Canvas supports Retina displays on OS X 10.7 or later. Your disk images will be bold and beautiful.

OS- MacOSX 10.6 or Later
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DMG Canvas 2.2.1 MacOSX
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-23 22:28
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