
HitekSoftware AutoKrypt是一款自动化数据加密软件.可以对文件或者文件夹进行预定加密,加密模式可以是基于密码,基于秘密密钥,公开密钥和个人密钥,基于开放PGP密码,基于开放PGP公开密钥和个人密钥。
HiTek Software AutoKrypt v11.x Win/Mac | 36 Mb
Data encryption software designed for automation. Automatically encrypt or decrypt, files and folders on a schedule. Encryption methods include password based, secret key, public key and private key, OpenPGP password, Open PGP public and private key.
Encryption Profiles allow you to quickly add encryption and decryption profiles. These files can be used in encryption or decryption tasks.
Encryption task allows you to encrypt files or an entire folder and its subfolders.
Decryption task allows you to decrypt files or an entire folder and its subfolders.
Key Generator can generate secret, public, private, OpenPGP public keys and OpenPGP private keys.
Key Store manager allows you to import or export keys for external use.
Email Notification for all tasks based on task exit code.
Dynamic variables are supported for most tasks. Most tasks also generate variables which can be used in other tasks. Create advanced automation solutions using our Automize tasks in conjunction with variables, directory/file monitors and our task chains.
Zip files and directories using wildcards on a schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
Copy files and directories using wildcards on a schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
Chain Task Integrator runs all supported AutoKrypt tasks in sequence, (with options depending on Exit codes
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HiTek Software AutoKrypt 11.10 Win/Mac/Lnx
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHkJskI
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-15 22:32
  • 人       气:2016
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