Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace – Arid Desert
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-21 14:46
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Title: Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace – Arid Desert
An Arid themed set of rocks, terrain, and vegetation.
An Arid themed set of rocks, terrain, and vegetation that enables you to create a highly detailed desert environment. Included in this set:
2 cliff rocks uniquely shaped to create a large amount of variety.
– A rock pile and large boulder.
– A flat layered rock used to create details and the base of cliffs or jutting out of the terrain.
-2 uniquely shaped erosion mounds used to transition rocks to terrain in a realistic and convincing way.
– A small collection of tiling terrain materials that blend together to create a convincing ground. Included in these tiling materials is sand, 2 different types of gravel, a rock floor, and cracked dry earth.
[Vegetation] – 2 different plants that despite being dead help bring a little bit of life to the environment.
[Scene] – A sample map that demonstrates how all of these assets work together to create a compelling desert environment.
标题︰虚幻引擎4市场— —干旱沙漠
— —一种岩石桩和巨石。
— —用于创建详细信息和悬崖或伸出地形的基础一块平坦的层状的岩石。
— —小的平铺混合在一起的地形材料集合创建令人信服的地面。列入这些瓷砖材料是砾石的砂、两种不同类型、岩石底部开裂干燥的土地。
[植被]— —2种不同植物的尽管死帮助带来一点点的生活环境。
[场景]— —一个样本映射演示所有这些资产如何协同工作以创造一个令人信服的沙漠环境。
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