Adobe After Effects 中创建令人震撼的场景文字结合
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  • 发布时间:2014-4-28 00:35
  • 人       气:553
  • 回复数量:1

Discover how to combine text and video in After Effects in order to create visually stunning scenes. In this course, Eran Stern builds four different trailers that showcase impressive type effects. Along the way, he demos a handful of advanced techniques, from tracking, rotoscoping, and parenting to generating 3D effects and 3D extruded text to make your type look its best. After watching this course, you'll be able to create impressive promos, trailers, and openers that will stand out from the rest.
Topics include:
* Analyzing your shot and making mood, story, and type decisions
* Working with lights, shadows, and 3D animation
* Rotoscoping, distorting, and displacing text
* Creating a motion graphics teaser using parenting and shoot-out animations
* Integrating 3D text into live video
* Working with ray-traced type
* Create advanced per-character 3D text animations
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