
AUDIOSTRiKE 13/03/2016 | 1.07 GB
Epic builds, endless ascents, transforming falls, colossal impacts and twisted transitions…
Introducing SFX Collection 03, an exhilarating collection of forward-thinking sound effects samples for next-generation electronic music production, cinematic sound design and game audio!
Making use of advanced sound design techniques and inventive processing, SFX Collection 03 pushes the boundaries of special effects creation; fusing granular re-synthesis and creative spectral processing with expressively layered live field recordings, analogue synths, found sound and sought-after special effects…
Expect to find over 1.3 GB of epic impacts, unearthly collisions, hair-raising risers, bottomless descents, explosive breakdowns, mutated melodic FX, morphing transitional elements and much more!
What’s included in the collection?
555 24-bit, 100% royalty free sound effects samples
Impacts – 87 Creative slams, monstrous booms, warped collisions, sub bass explosions and intricately layered impacts for forward thinking music production and beyond…
Cymbal FX- 93 Inventive and imaginative crash effects; including mutilated cymbals, twisted granular crashes and much more…
Uplifters & Risers – 80 powerful risers, lifters and hair-raising ascents; including complex evolving sweeps, brutal uplifters, multi-layered granular sweeps and epic tension building FX
Downshifters & Falls – 72 down-shifts, falls, transitions and descenders; including near-infinite descents, twisted granular falls, creatively processed noise and complex tonal transitions
Transitions – 76 transition sound effects; including complex Doppler FX, mangled found sound, twisted transitions, creative special effects trickery and much more…
Noise Tools – 62 diverse noise-based sound effects; including intense build-ups, distorted sweeps, spinning Dopplers and heavily mutated granular effects
Percussive FX – 56 twisted percussive based FX; including epic percussive builds, floor-filling breakdown FX, mangled tempo-synced loops and much more…
Melodic – 29 tonal sound effects; including ethereal soundscapes, apocalyptic atmospheres, luscious chords, glitchy arpeggios and melodic stabsProduced by J. Rowland, with additional production by Dan Byers.
555的24 位,100%的版税免费音效样品
影响— —87创意砰一声,畸形繁荣,扭曲的碰撞、子低音爆炸和错综复杂的影响,提出思考音乐制作及以后......
Uplifters的&造反者— —80强大冒口、举重和令人毛骨悚然的上行;包括复杂演变扫、残酷uplifters、多层颗粒扫和史诗般紧张建设FX
返朴归隐者&瀑布— —72下轮班,瀑布,过渡和下行字母;包括附近无限下坡,扭曲颗粒瀑布、创造性地加工的噪声和复杂的音调的转折
转型— —76过渡声音效果;多普勒FX,错位发现声音,包括复杂扭曲过渡、骗人的创造性的特技效果和更多...
噪声的工具— —62多样化基于噪音的声音效果;激烈的集结,包括扭曲扫,纺纱内壁和大量突变颗粒的影响
撞击式FX— —56扭曲撞击式基于的FX;包括史诗般的撞击式生成,楼面填充击穿FX,错位节奏同步回路和更多...
旋律— —29音调的声音效果;其中包括空灵的声音、世界末日气氛、甘美的和弦,出问题的琶音和旋律stabsProducedJ.罗兰,通过与其他生产由丹拜尔斯。
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音效下载Wave Alchemy SFX Collection 03 WAV
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  • 发布时间:2016-3-15 02:50
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