
Imperfect Samples Braunschweig Upright Piano Pro Edition EXS24 KONTAKT (Repost) | 8.3 GB
The Braunschweig Upright Piano has a distinctive sound character that's far more intimate than a grand piano, making it desirable for certain situations where you don't want the polished and precise sound of a nine-foot grand in a concert hall.
An original Schimmel Braunschweig upright piano was painstakingly recorded to create this beautiful instrument. As with all Imperfect Samples instruments, the emphasis has been placed on achieving a hyper-real and convincing sampled instrument, with performance sounds.
Sampled in multiple velocity layers, with release samples, and true staccato, the Schimmel Braunschweig Upright Piano was recorded at 24 bits, totalling over 5GB of data (Pro version contains 15GB). This sampled instrument's raw and distinctive sound is unlike any other piano sample library currently available.
Please note that current formats available are VST, AU, EXS24 and Kontakt*. This instrument is presented in 2 incarnations; the Braunschweig Upright, and the more versatile upgraded Braunschweig Upright (Pro). To see the difference between these versions, click here.
不完全样本不伦瑞克立式钢琴专业版(转贴)| EXS24 Kontakt 8.3 GB
请注意,当前的格式是VST,Au,EXS24,KONTAKT *。该仪器是在2提出的化身;不伦瑞克直立,和更灵活的升级不伦瑞克直立(Pro)。要看到这些版本之间的区别,请点击这里。
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田付 发表于 2021-6-26 13:18:30 | 只看该作者
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13673640184 发表于 2022-6-25 11:56:21 | 只看该作者
Imperfect Samples Braunschweig Upright Piano Pro Edition EXS24 KONTAKT (Repost)
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  • 发布时间:2014-7-29 23:52
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