如何成为一名优秀的平面设计师视频教程 Introduction to Graphic Design
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-11 14:59
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教程英文名称:Introduction to Graphic Design
教程使用软件:Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
教程作者:Ashley Kennedy

Lynda Introduction to Graphic Design
What does it take to be a graphic designer? Design is a complex art that involves many different skills and tools, but by breaking down the core topics and software, Justin Seeley shows how you can get your start in the design world. First, he covers theory, including high-level concepts like layout, typography, and color. Then it’s your chance to get hands-on, using Illustrator to build a custom logo from scratch and practice your vector-drawing techniques. Next, Justin takes you into Photoshop, where he shows you how to creatively adjust, repair, and retouch the kinds of images you’ll use in design projects. Last, he visits InDesign for an overview of the layout and print preparation processes. By the end, you’ll have a better grasp of what graphic designers do and what you’ll need to learn next. It’s a great jumping off point for any graphic design career. Note: These tutorials were revised in 2016 to make sure they are current with the latest version of Adobe Creative Cloud. Mini Bridge was retired this year, so Justin uses alternate methods to open and organize assets.
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