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  • 发布时间:2014-3-13 19:15
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本视频教程是由video2brain机构出品的C4D粒子引擎视频教程,video2brain CINEMA 4D Lab The Thinking Particles,时长:3小时26分,大小:1.77 GB,MP4高清视频格式 ,教程使用软件:CINEMA 4D,官方发布日期:2012年12月7日,语言:法语。
video2brain CINEMA 4D Lab The Thinking Particles
Learn how to use the module "Thinking Particles" version of CINEMA 4D Studio with Stéphane Lallet! "Thinking Particles" is a highly advanced particle engine that offers the user sophisticated and productive solutions to best meet their needs Management particles. Managed by XPresso, this module can destabilize at first, but you'll see that these few basics, you will have no more excuses to miss a great tool that will expand your possibilities exponentially animation!
In this workshop directed by Stéphane Lallet Aurety alias, you will learn to use the module "Thinking Particles" version of CINEMA 4D Studio. "Thinking Particles" is a highly advanced particle engine that offers the user sophisticated and productive solutions to best meet their needs Management particles.
After a short introduction to XPresso interface, your instructor will introduce you to this fabulous tool which only limited by your imagination. You will use the presets provided by Maxon ?, combinatorics with other modules Maxon ? (Hair, Mograph, etc..), And you apply your knowledge through an exercise scenario generation. Quickly, you will have a solid foundation for understanding this module and exponentially expand your creative space.
Note that even if this training uses some tools CINEMA 4D R14, the instructor shows you how to turn them away earlier.
Good training!
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