  • 发布时间:2014-2-16 20:21
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本视频教程是由Lynda机构出品的AE人群抠像特效制作视频教程,Lynda.com VFX Techniques Crowd Replication with After Effects,时长:2小时54分,大小:3.5 GB,MOV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:After Effects CS5.5, CS6,作者:Lee Lanier,官方发布日期:2013年1月15日,语言:英语。
Lynda.com VFX Techniques Crowd Replication with After Effects
VFX Techniques introduces common yet critical visual effects techniques that are used in film and television shows on a regular basis. This installment shows how to simulate a large crowd by combining live-action footage of a small group of people, 3D renders, and Adobe Photoshop artwork—transforming an otherwise empty building into a rapt audience. Author Lee Lanier uses After Effects to set up image sequences, apply motion tracking to match the motion of the original camera, and key green-screen footage. Finally, you’ll learn how to make all the elements cohesive with color correction and lighting techniques.
Topics include:
Setting up your project
Removing camera jitter
Motion tracking CG renders
Creating light effects
Keying with Keylight
Solving bad matte edges
Rotoscoping green screen footage
Color grading to match elements
Relighting the scene
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