RPG游戏战斗系统制作视频教程 Creating a Random Battle System for a Game Maker
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教程英文名称:Udemy Creating a Random Battle System for a Game Maker Studio RPG
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:GameMaker Studio, Photoshop
教程作者:Knowledge Base

In this course you will learn how to create turn-based random battles, similar to those in classic JRPGs such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The player will randomly encounter these battles while walking, then be returned to their pre-battle position when the battle is done.
What you’ll learn in this course:
How to create turn-based random battle encounters in GameMaker Studio In the previous two courses, you learned about random numbers and how to generate random levels in GameMaker. Now, we’re going to learn about how to create a turn-based battle system that you can use in your games. In future videos, we’ll explore more kinds of combat, including a more action-oriented style.
What you’ll need to get started:
The latest version of GameMaker Studio, either the free or professional version Intermediate knowledge of GameMaker Studio’s scripting language, GML
GameMaker Studio is a simple, yet powerful tool for creating 2D games. It’s a great tool of experimenting, and I encourage you to follow along with these lectures, and try things your own way once you have the basics down.
Have fun learning!
What are the requirements?
Understand most of the basic concepts of GameMaker, such as sprites, animations, user-defined events, and basic script syntax.
Download and install the latest version of GameMaker Studio.
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 10 lectures and 1 hour of content!
Create a turn-based combat system in GameMaker that is useful for games like RPGs
Preserve the player’s location in between random battles.
Store game variables in between room transitions.
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hardthinking 发表于 2017-8-19 12:35:21 | 只看该作者
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