Blender渲染技术训练视频教程 Introduction to Rendering with Cycles in Blender
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  • 发布时间:2016-2-17 01:28
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教程英文名称:Pluralsight Introduction to Rendering with Cycles in Blender
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:Blender v2.75
教程作者:Mark Masters

Pluralsight Introduction to Rendering with Cycles in Blender
This Blender course covers rendering with cycles. We’ll start out by first showing how to setup cameras. Then we’ll cover how to use the Cycles interactive viewport rendering feature, which lets you preview changes to a render in real-time. We’ll discuss the different lamp types and the main attributes of each one. We’ll also cover the Cycles Emission shader and how it can be used to convert geometry into sources of illumination. Beyond that, some of the things you will learn in this course are how to setup image-based lighting, using the subsurface scattering shader, the importance of render passes and render layers, and the differences between the two. You’ll learn vital techniques for optimizing a render in cycles, to cut the time of a render in half without sacrificing on the final quality of the image. We’ll build on each concept to create a final render of a creative’s workstation.
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