videohive - Motion Shapes Vol.2
包含45段1920x1080分辨率的运动图像视频以及aftereffects项目源文件。兼容aftereffects CS4及以上版本,无插件需求。
It’s contains 45 motion shapes rendered in 1920×1080.
You can use separately for a specific use or compose them each other to do some fantastic minimal pieces, with many different combinations. I’ve also included the original project file, so if you need do modify anything like colors, animations, you will be able to change values. (Just After Effects CS4 needed, no plugins requiered)
It could be very useful for make some clean and beautiful minimalist sequences. By adding some of these pieces to your titles or animation, that will add a funny and realistic touch ! It could be very useful also for create vj loops.

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shijiejiahua 发表于 2016-8-6 00:24:36 | 只看该作者
videohive - Motion Shapes Vol.2
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  • 发布时间:2014-11-18 18:29
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