digitaltutors-Compositing 3D Renders in After Effects
  • 发布时间:2013-7-29 09:14
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digitaltutors-Compositing 3D Renders in After Effects
digitaltutors-在After Effects里做3D渲染的合成
在这个After Effects的教程中,我们将学习如何把多个3D渲染通道使用After Effects合成产生的图像。本教程中,我们将导入并合成一辆汽车的渲染。然后,我们将学习如何创建一个高级的遮罩切出我们的车的阴影,间接照明和遮罩层。然后,我们将学习一些合成技巧,帮助我们真正融合前景和背景,如反射匹配,Lightwraping,色彩校正和杂点匹配。
In this After Effects tutorial we'll learn how to bring in multiple 3D  render passes and composite the resulting image on top of a photograph  using many tools and techniques. We'll begin the tutorial by importing  our layers and assembling them into a nice render of a car. We'll then  learn how to create an advanced matte to cut out our car using the  shadow, indirect, and matte layers. We'll then learn several compositing  tricks to help us really blend the foreground and background, such as  Reflection matching, Lightwraping, color correction and grain matching.
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