Digital Tutors - Photoshop CS6 入门
  • 发布时间:2015-9-1 02:02
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Digital Tutors - Introduction to Photoshop CS6
Digital Tutors - Photoshop CS6 入门
在这个集合中的Photoshop CS6教程中,我们将学习Photoshop CS6的基本工具,技术和工作流程。可以肯定地说,Photoshop是真正的计算机图形行业的骨干。在整个教程中,我们的目标是教你成功,你将需要用Photoshop的工具,概念和工作流程。
In this collection of Photoshop CS6 tutorials we will  learn the fundamental tools, techniques and workflows for Photoshop CS6.  It can safely be said that Photoshop is truly the backbone of the  computer graphics industry. From video games to movies and every area in  between, Photoshop is one of the most commonly used application by  working professionals in any creative field. Now learning how to use a  program like Photoshop can seem like a daunting task. Throughout this  course, our goal is to teach you the tools, concepts and workflows you  will need to succeed with Photoshop. Not only this, but we will break  them down so that they are easy to understand. We will dive in and learn  about every key area, providing you with a solid foundation. It’s  important to us that you not only learn the basics of Photoshop but that  you also develop good habits when it comes to this truly amazing  application.
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