二维角色动画 SkillShare – Simple Character Animation
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二维角色动画 SkillShare – Simple Character Animation
在AE制作扁平化二维角色动画,Illustrator动画角色的制作, After Effects中进行角色动画绑定,6个课时视频教程,非高清,大小为115MB
Bring simple characters to life! Animation is the future of design and an important next step in expanding your design skill set. In this class, I’ll walk you through a simple process where you’ll learn to build and rig a simple character for animation and share it as a gif!
This Skillshare class is going to break down the process of character animation for you. I will cover simple character creation and animation techniques from design and rigging, through to simple walk cycle animation. You will learn about shape layers, paths, masks, key framing and key frame velocity – and how to apply them to your animations.
Design in Illustrator. I’ll walk you through simple character design, and how to design with After Effects animation in mind.
Building in After Effects. We will take your character from Illustrator, and import it into After Effects to build your him for animation.
Rigging in After Effects. I’ll walk you through the process of rigging your character for simple motion in After Effects.
Walk or run cycle. We’ll finalize your action and get your character moving in a scene!
Export your animated GIF. I’ll show you the simple process for getting your animation shareable and out there!
You will design and create a character in an animated run cycle! I will show you how to export your animated GIF to make your work sharable. This process will give you tools to take all of your designs and illustrations to the next level – efficiently and seamlessly!
This course is a primer in the toughest aspect of animation – character animation. Using the strengths of After Effects to create fun movement for motion graphics and animation, we will break down the difficulty and give you the tools to create great animated characters!
官网: http://www.skillshare.com/classes/design/Simple-Character-Animation/1750772942
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