C4D插件下载 C4D海洋插件 Infinite Ocean 1.34 Cinema 4D R12-R15
C4D插件下载 C4D海洋插件 Infinite Ocean 1.34 Cinema 4D R12-R15

C4D海洋插件 Infinite Ocean 1.34 Cinema 4D R12-R15 Win/Mac
Infinite Ocean是C4D的一个插件,可以制作真实海洋效果,HDRI的天空背景。
Infinite Ocean is a Cinema 4D Ocean generator which creates endless animated seascapes oceans swells with four seamless HDRI sky backgrounds. Infinite Ocean is the fastest and easiest way to create animated oceans and seascapes quickly without bogging down your CPU.
Infinite Ocean comes with:
Four seamless 8000 pixel-wide HDRI sky backgrounds which include:
.Sunny blue sky Partly cloudy sky Stormy sky Sunrise / sunset sky
Swell amplitude control
Swell size
Wave direction control
Wave speed control
Displacement detail control
Transparent water shader
Configurable bow wake and stern wake for boats
High-poly 3D yacht model with lots detailed sub models
Floating object controllers
Global scene scaling options
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台风 发表于 2020-3-14 12:03:45 | 只看该作者
C4D海洋插件 Infinite Ocean 1.34 Cinema 4D R12-R15
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