DAZ3D Olympia 7 Pro Bundle
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DAZ3D Olympia 7 Pro BundleDAZ3D 奥林匹亚 7 Pro 资源包

Olympia 7 is a true and powerful beauty, with a hourglass figure that is not only curvy but extremely sensual. She is a stunning addition to the Daz family and is a detailed hand-scuplted character on the Genesis 3 Female base. She incorporates all of the Genesis 3 technological advancements, making her more life-like than ever. The fine detail and her true realism makes her a great addition to any scene, whether as a warrior, goddess or any powerful fantasy character. She truly will make any render you create stunning. Since she is built on the Genesis 3 Female base her shape can be blended with other iconic Daz Characters like Victoria 7, Teen Josie 7, or any other Genesis 3 Female character. The possibilities are limitless with this buxom and sassy beauty.
Key advancements with the Genesis 3-based Olympia 7 include:
Increase detail (Read More)
Articulation (Read More)
Facial expressions (Read More)
Technology advancements (Read More)
Software Support (Read More)
What is Genesis 3? Click here to find out more.
Olympia 7 measurements courtesy of Measure Metrics for DAZ Studio:
Height: 5'9.3" (176.11 cm)
Bust Circumference: 37.5" (95.25 cm)
Waist Circumference: 27.3" (69.31 cm)
Low Hip Circumference: 39.9" (101.53 cm)
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