Hud Interface Projects
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Hud Interface Projects for After Effects, Premiere Pro and others - WINAfter Effects, Premiere 和其他项目的HUD界面项目源文件,收集的各种HUD显示器项目。大部分是用于AE, Premiere Pro的Windows版本 ,但也有少数是可以用于Mac和Linux中。
在After Effects HUD Templates and Tutorials 文件夹中:
- DropDrop绝密小工具集。
- FutureScope - 一个“未来主义”夜视狙击镜。
- 高科技HUD元素 - 15种不同的HUD元素。
- HUD界面v 1.0 - 9个HUD元素。
- 终结者HUD视觉教程。
- 钢铁侠HUD显示器 - AEP项目文件和教程。
- “狙击手 - 范围”式的项目。
- 5个定制的电脑显示器。
- 另一个钢铁侠式HUD项目。
- videohive的模块化HUD界面2.0版 - 附教程定制元素等等。
在“Elements for Non-Specific Software”文件夹中:
- 24套高科技HUD界面包 - 它可以与许多不同种类的视频软件中使用。
- 狙击镜效果 - 各种“狙击范围”的PNG和FLV文件。
在“ Premiere Pro HUD Templates”文件夹中:
- 夜视望远镜的HUD - 创建夜视双筒效果的Premiere Pro项目。
在“Sound FX”文件夹中:
- 超过600个声音效果用于HUD显示器和电脑显示器,电子产品,门,甚至是steam-punk!

Various HUD display projects that I've collected over the last several months. Most are for AE and Premiere Pro for Windows, but a few are MOV and PNG files that can be used with MAC and LINUX.
In the After Effects HUD Templates and Tutorials:
- DropDrop Top Secret Gadget Collection - ONLY the gadget files; no tutorials, music or sound FX. Sorry, but this is how I got them.
- FutureScope - a "futuristic" night-vision sniper scope.
-High Tech Hud Elements - 15 different HUD elements.
-HUD Interface v 1.0 - 9 more HUD elements.
-Terminator HUD Vision tutorial - Kinda self explanitory.
-Video Copilot Iron-Man style HUD - AEP Project file and tutorial.
-VIDEO COPILOT POV_Elements - "Sniper-Scope" style project.
-Videohive High Tech Interface - 5 customizable computer displays.
-Videohive Military Hud (Iron-Man Style) - Another Iron-Man style HUD project.
-Videohive Modular HUD Interface v 2.0 - A BUNCH of customizable elements with tutorials.
In the "Elements for Non-Specific Software" folder:
- 24 Hi Tech hud interface pack - 24 individual MOV files which can be used with many different kinds of video software.
-IP - Sniper Scope Effect - Various "Sniper-Scope" PNG and FLV files.
In the "Premiere Pro HUD Templates" folder:
- Night Vision Binoculars HUD - Premiere Pro project for creating Night Vision Binocular effects.
In the "Sound Effects" folder:
- Hud Menu Interface Toolbox - over 600 sound effects for HUD and computer displays, electronics, doors, even steam-punk!
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