链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHYXalS 密码: 2myc
WAV | 1.29 GB
Sony Creative Software is proud to unveil the first four loop libraries in our exclusive Bill Laswell Collection. The partnership of Sony Creative Software and star producer Bill Laswell constitutes the ideal pairing of technology and music.
It's only natural that Laswell supply fuel for the enormous surge of ACID users who are redefining music just as Laswell himself does continuously — with total disregard for genre boundary restrictions and obsolete conventions in making, listening to, even conceptualizing, modern music and sound. The first four libraries in this series will certainly become the most respected collection of royalty-free samples in the world. Each volume will serve as a complete construction kit, providing endless solutions for producers of rock, funk, hip-hop, electronica, world music, and ambient/cinematic music forms.
The Bill Laswell Collection includes three libraries, plus a bonus library only available in the box set — Covert Diaspora, a 2 CD collection with superior 24bit sound — the first of its kind. You can purchase Volumes I through III individually and build your Bill Laswell collection as you go along, or buy the box set and have it all. Includes booklet with extensive liner notes.
2034Mb with 2657 original, royalty-free ACiDized WAV files.
- Bill Laswell: False Encryptions [1CD] - Bill Laswell: Undocument [1CD] - Bill Laswell: Letter Of Law [1CD] - Bill Laswell: Covert Diaspora I + II [2CD]
它是酸的用户正在重新定义音乐一样时自己的大风大浪时供应燃料并不断的唯一自然— —完全无视体裁边界限制和过时公约在制作,听,甚至是概念,现代音乐和声音。在本系列的前四个库必将成为的免版税的样品,在世界最受尊敬的集合。每个卷将作为一个完整的施工工具包,为生产商的岩石、放克、嘻哈、电子音乐、世界音乐和环境电影音乐形式提供无尽的解决方案。
条例草案时集合包括三个图书馆,再加上奖金库只能在框套— —隐蔽散居,具有优越的24 位声音2CD收藏— —第一种。你可以购买卷我通过三单独和建立你条例草案时集合,当你走,或买箱套和拥有这一切。包括与广泛的班轮笔记的小册子。
2034 mb有2657原始,免版税酸化的WAV文件。
-条例草案时︰虚假加密[1 CD]-条例草案时︰Undocument[1 CD]-条例草案时︰法律[1CD]-条例草案时信︰隐蔽散居第一+二[2 CD] |
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