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Samplephonics - Introspective DnB MULTiFORMAT | 475 Mb
Introspective DnB' is the pack for you if you are looking for flawless, precision Drum & Bass samples that perfectly capture the current sound of contemporary DnB. Finely crafted by production duo Mystic State, this is a super crisp state of the art Drum & Bass sample pack that you can't afford to live without.
Tipping its hat to the likes of Dbridge and Ivy Lab, this devastating sample library features robotic rhythmic percussion loops, head nodding half time sections, punchy drum samples, precise arpeggios, deep rolling basslines and technical synth leads. Also contained is a huge folder of one shots covering drums, effects and incidental sounds designed to spice up your drum patterns and inject some energy into your productions. These Royalty-Free Drum & Bass loops & samples come as WAV Loops files, with all one shots, ready formatted to drop straight into Ableton Sampler, NN-XT, Halion, Motu MachFive, Sonar SFZ, EXS24, Maschine and Kontakt.
- 247 Loops
- 149 One Shots
- Sampler instruments for Ableton Sampler, NN-XT, Halion, Motu MachFive, Sonar SFZ, EXS24, Maschine and Kontakt
小费其帽子给喜欢的Dbridge和常春藤实验室,这个毁灭性的样本库功能机器人有节奏的敲击循环,顶头点头半时间剖面,强力鼓样品,精确的琶音,深轧制技术合成器和低音贝斯柔和带领。此外载有一枪一个巨大文件夹覆盖鼓、效果和附带声音设计来装点你的鼓模式和一些能量注入你的作品。这些免版税鼓和低音循环&样品来为WAV循环文件,所有的一枪,准备好了格式化直落入Ableton取样器、NN XT、Halion、自行MachFive、声纳SFZ、EXS24、Maschine和开播。
- 247循环
- 149一枪
- 采样仪器Ableton取样器、NN XT、Halion、自行MachFive、声纳SFZ、EXS24、Maschine和开播 |
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