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  • 发布时间:2017-5-3 14:32
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CineSamples CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble KONTAKT | 1.81 Gb
CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble is an improved version of the classic Twelve Horn patches from our CineBrass PRO library. These patches feature the groundbreaking Cinesamples Adaptive Legato Engine from CineStrings SOLO, adding fluidity and unparalleled realism to your melodic lines. CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble was recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage in Los Angeles.
Cinesamples applied its Adaptive Legato Engine from CineStrings SOLO, Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato, CineWinds CORE & PRO, and Viola da Gamba to CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble. It allows you to tailor the legato response to your own playing style, and is designed to respond musically to your performance. The engine detects your playing speed and intelligently adjusts the interval speed to match. This means you can play slow, expressive lines and fast runs in a single performance, without touching the speed dial. Additionally, the intensity parameter responds to velocity.
CineSamples CineBrass 十二垫铁合奏 KONTAKT |1.81 gb
CineBrass 十二垫铁合奏是一个改进的版本经典十二垫铁补丁从我们的 CineBrass pro 图书馆。这些补丁的特点是开创性的 Cinesamples 自适应的 legato 引擎 CineStrings 独奏, 增加流动性和无与伦比的现实主义的旋律线。CineBrass 十二角合奏被记录在米高梅得分阶段在洛杉矶。
Cinesamples 应用它的自适应的 legato 引擎从 CineStrings 独奏, 蒂娜郭声学大提琴 legato, CineWinds 核心和 pro, 和中提琴 da 岗巴县到 CineBrass 十二垫铁合奏。它允许您根据自己的演奏风格定制 legato 响应, 并旨在对您的性能进行音乐响应。引擎检测您的播放速度, 并智能地调整间隔速度以匹配。这意味着您可以播放慢、表现力和快速运行的单一性能, 而不触及速度拨号。此外, 强度参数响应速度。
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