Game Weapon Modeling Fundamentals
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Duration 2h 48m Project Files Included MP4
Game Weapon Modeling Fundamentals
Weapons can be one of the most enjoyable assets to create in modern game development as they can receive a lot of attention and care, and are highly appreciated by players and developers alike. Traditional hard surface workflows are powerful but can tend to feel technical and cumbersome. Instead, some of ZBrush’s modern workflows allow for more flexibility and creativity using ZModeler combined with sculpting. In this course, Game Weapon Modeling Fundamentals, you’ll cover how to utilize ZModeler and ZBrush sculpting to create a low and high poly weapon model from scratch. First, you’ll explore how to model a detailed high polygon weapon entirely inside ZBrush without sacrificing structure or quality. Next, you’ll learn how to sculpt on top of that work. Finally, you’ll discover how to turn it into a low poly mesh with unwrap that’s ready for texturing. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to confidently create hard surface weapons for game development. Software required: ZBrush and 3D Studio Max.
工期 2h 48m 项目文件包括 MP4
在现代游戏开发中, 武器可以是最令人愉快的资产之一, 因为他们可以得到很多的关注和关心, 并且受到玩家和开发者的高度赞赏。传统的硬表面工作流功能强大, 但往往会感到技术和繁琐。相反, zbrush 的一些现代工作流程允许更多的灵活性和创造性使用 ZModeler 结合雕塑。在这个过程中, 游戏武器建模的基础, 你将涵盖如何利用 ZModeler 和 zbrush 雕塑创建一个低和高的多聚武器模型从无到有。首先, 您将探索如何在不牺牲结构或质量的情况下, 完全在 zbrush 内对详细的高多边形武器进行建模。接下来, 您将学习如何在这项工作上雕刻。最后, 你会发现如何把它变成一个低聚网状与包装的准备贴图。在本课程结束时, 您将能够满怀信心地为游戏开发创建硬表面武器。软件要求: zbrush 和3D 工作室最大。
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