Divergent Audio DRUMVERSE v1.0 KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2018-2-23 17:34
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Divergent Audio DRUMVERSE v1.0 KONTAKT | 2.12 Gb
Theres not alot of info on this kontakt build , so I will offer up a bit of detail about this wonderful kit for KONTAKT format. The drum set is recorded in a small home studio , its recorded very , very RAW ! I mean these drums are REAL , and CLEAN , and true to what a drum set should sound like.
The kontakt build of this drum kit is a very simple interface designed by 'Divergent Audio' . Its complete with a nice graphical drum kit on the front GUI , that is actually setup to be demo by striking each drum and cymbal in the GUI picture. As well , the slip page offers up a neat and tidy mixer for setting up each seperate drum / channel ; volume , EQ & other setting are done here.
- 2.88 gig / Kontakt FULL v5.5 - (Not suitable for Kontakt Player)
- Complete drum kit; a 5-piece shell pack and 8 cymbals.
- Dynamic hits; 5026 raw unprocessed samples (3095 MB lossless compressed) for different velocity values over a 12 channel strip mixer.
- Advanced sample randomization; the same sample rarely plays twice in a row.
- Internal mixer with basic sound manipulation including multiple output routing for advanced use in a DAW.
- Mixer contains an extra chamber channel strip where snare hits have been recorded through an authentic echo chamber in Atlantis Studio in Stockholm.
- Volume sliders for adjusting the amount of spill for each OH/Room microphone.
- Each drum/cymbal is unloadable to minimize RAM usage.
扩音drumverse V1.0接触| 2.12 GB
“这头接触鼓套件是一个非常简单的界面设计的城市扩音。它有一个很好的完全图估鼓包在前面的图形用户界面(GUI),这是我设置的演示向每个城市和cymbal鼓的图形用户界面(GUI)的图片。“好的,让一个整洁的页面的受害者的IP和IP tidy混合器设定每个单独的鼓/频道,音量,情商与其他的设置是在这里做的。
完整的鼓包,一包5块和8 cymbals壳。
动态命中;5026原unprocessed样品(3095 MB的无损压缩速度为不同的值在一条12通道混合器。
sliders卷为《溢出的调整金额为每个OH /客房麦克风。
-每个cymbal冰桶/卸载的两个minimize RAM的使用。
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