Findasound - Oriental Soloist 2 KONTAKT
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Findasound - Oriental Soloist 2 KONTAKT | 2.59 Gb
Oriental Soloist 2 is a set of 335 sounds designed for oriental solo style playing sampled by Dr Raid Marji, sounds are designed to be mixed together through a four channel / sound output where the user can design, manipulate, and combine sounds together to get the desired results not only for solo playing but also for unison mixed oriental instruments. One unique feature in Oriental soloist 2 is the ability to select intervals of each of the four sounds separately according to scale, with the ability to control Octave, Volume, and pan separately as well. User can select legato/mono playing mode for each sound and control the volume envelope parameters for each sound. With four effects slots user can assign effects for each sound separately, effects rack includes: modulator, compressor, equalizer, filter, delay, and reverb.Glissando mode is another unique feature in Oriental soloist 2 where user can switch between monophonic glissando (glide) and legato glissandi (gradual notes), glissando is archived by playing low velocities for far notes.Qaurter tone scale option is available with the ability to save/recall scales with keys witches.
There are 12 key switches available in Oriental soloist 2, key switches are indicated with green color on the keyboard the red color indicates the active keyswitch.All parameters on the interface can be saved into a key switch except for effects on/off buttons and volumes envelope parameters (AHDSR), key switches can be turned on and off once turned on changing parameters will be saved automatically to the selected key switch, user can select kontakt snapshot option to save/recall his own presets, saving a snapshot will save all key switches and their assigned parameters.Scale and key menu will force played notes to be played within the selected scale/key, user can apply scale/key to all key switches by enabling the all keys witches button (ALL KS). The keyboard color menu allows the user to select keyboard color mode, default: all active notes blue, scale: all notes within a scale blue, rainbow: rainbow color keys.The harmonizer menu enables user to select chords presets that will recall intervals settings for each chord in the menu.Vibrato speed and pitch bend amount can be controlled their knobs at the top of the interface.
Findasound-东方独奏 2 KONTAKT |2.59 gb
东方独奏2是一套335声音设计为东方独奏风格的游戏取样的 dr raid Marji, 声音的设计是通过四声道/声音输出混合在一起, 用户可以设计, 操纵, 并结合起来, 以获得预期的结果, 不仅为独奏演奏, 但也统一混合东方乐器。在东方独奏2的一个独特的特点是能够根据规模分别选择每四声音的间隔, 同时能够分别控制八度、音量和平移。用户可以为每个声音选择 legato/单声道播放模式, 并控制每个声音的音量封套参数。与四效果插槽用户可以分别为每个声音分配效果, 效果机架包括: 调制器, 压缩机, 均衡, 滤波, 延迟, 混响。滑音模式是另一个独特的特点, 在东方独奏 2, 用户可以切换之间声道滑音 (滑翔) 和 legato glissandi (渐进音符), 滑音是通过播放低速度的远音符存档。Qaurter 音调刻度选项可与关键女巫保存/召回天平的能力。
有12键开关可在东方独奏 2, 键开关用绿色表示, 在键盘上红色表示活动开关。除了影响/关闭按钮和卷信封参数 (AHDSR) 外, 接口上的所有参数都可以保存到键开关中, 键开关可以打开和关闭一旦打开更改参数将自动保存到选定的键开关, 用户可以选择 kontakt 快照选项保存/撤回自己的预设, 保存快照将保存所有的按键开关及其分配的参数。"缩放" 和 "键" 菜单将强制播放的笔记在选定的刻度/键内播放, 用户可以通过启用 "所有密钥" 女巫按钮 (所有 ks) 对所有键开关应用缩放/键。"键盘颜色" 菜单允许用户选择键盘颜色模式, 默认为: 所有活动音符为蓝色, 缩放: 所有音符都在一个音阶内, 彩虹: 彩虹颜色键。harmonizer 菜单使用户能够选择和弦预设, 将在菜单中为每个和弦召回间隔设置。颤音的速度和音调的弯曲量可以控制他们的旋钮在界面的顶部。
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