学习如何使用 iPhone摄影
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  • 发布时间:2014-2-5 02:34
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MP4|视频:1280 x 720|86kbps|44kHz|持续时间:5小时|1.95GB
辉煌!谢谢您的慷慨!乔什 ·。
Iphone Camera Essentials
MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 86 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 5 Hours | 1.95 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Quickly turn your iPhone photography into a fulfilling passion. Get both the fundamentals and step-by-step instructions.
Guy Yang introduces you to the best ways to take and edit great photos with your iPhone. You'll also get a primer on how to efficiently organize your images using the cloud and your desktop computer together with your iPhone/iPad.
You want to get into photography through iPhoneography and learn the craft to develop a fulfilling passion? Or you simply want to turn your photos of friends and family into more engaging and eye-catching images? iPhone Camera Essentials is designed to get you there as fast as possible.
This is what participants say about the class:
Great lessons! Thank you for sharing with so much enthusiasm and precision. Celia Jordao
I knew you could take good photos with the newer iPhones, but didn’t realize you could actually do ‘photography’ with them! The pics you have up look great Guy, you’ve definitely inspired me! Vince
You do an awesome job Guy. As a photo instructor myself I have to say I appreciate your teaching style. This site has great content and a powerful way of communicating it all. Kudos to you! Michael Downey
Brilliant! Thank you for your generosity! Josh R.
Here's what professional photographers say about iPhone Camera Essentials:
Nice breakdown of the facts here, well done! Even after 30 years of actively shooting B/W photography, I learned a few gems! I wish I hadn't watched this video in the morning over coffee...now I want to blow off work and go shoot right now! Jack Hollingsworth - Austin, Texas
As a professional photographer I would consider myself someone who has a good understanding of how to hold a camera and all the basic workings. But I found these first videos very informative, especially on holding an iPhone! Gerry Coe - Belfast, UK
Instead of searching the Internet for hours on end, you'll get the essential plus iPhone photography tips and tricks gathered in one place to learn how to use iPhone camera.
Here some of the topics we cover:
The best ways to shoot with your iPhone.
How to take great black and white photos with your iOS device.
The rule of thirds as you've never seen it (you'll discover a couple of secrets about that rule) and how to use it on the iPhone camera.
How to make photos full of beautiful details and vivid colors using HDR.
Learn how masks and layers can easily be applied on your photos right on your phone or iPad.
A couple of editing secrets, such as uncropping pictures, adding grit and removing halos on your mobile device or tablet.
And much, much more...
With completion of this online training course, you will be fully versed, and well capable of taking top notch photos with your iPhone!
Take this ultimate iPhone Photography Essentials course right now and learn how to use iPhone camera.
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