Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Unity
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Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Unity,Unity游戏制作快速入门。Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Unity Volume 1Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Unity Volume 2Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Unity Volume 3

Welcome to the first volume of the Quick Start to Unity Learning Path, we'll cover the basics of getting started in Unity. We'll begin by discussing how to create a new project and we'll become acquainted with the interface and how to navigate in the scene view.
We'll also learn how to import and manipulate game assets, create materials, add components, create prefabs, add lights, and setting up a custom player game object. In the end we'll have a base level that we'll be using for the overall Quick Start project.
While following along with these lessons and building a project together will provide you with valuable knowledge, the real power comes from being able to take the techniques you've learned and apply them in a different way to your own work.
With this in mind, you'll be presented with an assignment immediately following each volume. These assignments will challenge you to take the skills that you've learned in a particular volume and apply them to a different asset.
These tutorials are designed to be taken in sequence so we really encourage you to start with this volume and proceed all the way through to Volume 3, and taking advantage of the periodic assignments along the way to get the full learning experience.
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