
Flying Meat Acorn 5.x MacOSX | 10.2 Mb
Everyone needs to edit photos at some point, but not everyone has the time to learn complicated super pricey photo editing software. This is why we created Acorn. Add text and shapes to your digital pictures. Combine images together to create a photo collage. Work with layers to touch up your favorite photos or make something entirely new from scratch. Do all this and more with Acorn!
Powerful Image Editing
Use curves and levels, non-destructive filters, layer masks, and selections to touch up your images or make something entirely new.
Vector Tools
Stars, arrows, bezier curves, boolean operations, and text tools are just a few of the vector features awaiting you.
Custom Brushes & More
Acorn includes a built-in brush designer, multi-stop gradients, web export, retina canvas support, and is scriptable and automatable.
Acorn 4 is a lot faster than its predecessors. From applying selections and filters to large images to using Instant Alpha, everything is faster.
Non-Destructive Filters
Layer styles and filters are now merged together into a happy new UI. Chain filters together to create endless combinations of unique effects knowing you can always change your mind later on.
Adjust the tonal response and even the individual color channels to perfect the midtones, shadows, highlights, and contrast in your images.
Multiple Layer Selection
You can now select multiple layers and move, delete, or reposition them all at once.
for OS X 10.8 & 10.9
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Flying Meat Acorn 5.3.1 MacOSX
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